Comprehensive collection of 15807 Tamil and Indian Baby Names.
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Lord Krishna, Vraja - vrindavan, Nandan - delighting, A son, The rejoice, An epithet of Vishnu, An epithet of Shiva, Name of a Siddha, Name of a buddhist deity
Lord Krishna, Vraja - vrindavan, Nandan - delighting, A son, The rejoice, An epithet of Vishnu, An epithet of Shiva, Name of a Siddha, Name of a buddhist deity
Strong, King, Older brother of Lord Shri Krishna, A name of Lord Balaram who is splendid and powerful
Strong, King, Older brother of Lord Shri Krishna, A name of Lord Balaram who is splendid and powerful
Lord Krishna, Protector of yadus, One of many names of Lord Krishna signifying him as Lord of Yadavas
Lord Krishna, Protector of yadus, One of many names of Lord Krishna signifying him as Lord of Yadavas
Immaculate like Guru, flawless like master, in simple words a person who is just simply awsome just like his teacher.
Immaculate like Guru, flawless like master, in simple words a person who is just simply awsome just like his teacher.
Method, Way, Mode, Manner, One who crosses the river of life, Morning star, The one who knocks at the door
Method, Way, Mode, Manner, One who crosses the river of life, Morning star, The one who knocks at the door
Nickname of Abdullah promoting service, harmony, hope and dutifulness, Nickname of Abdullah promoting service, harmony, hope and dutifulness
Nickname of Abdullah promoting service, harmony, hope and dutifulness, Nickname of Abdullah promoting service, harmony, hope and dutifulness